Aimée Cartier—– *author *psychic *mom *wife *speaker *dabbler in comedy

FLOURISH BLOG: Providing tools and (true) stories for creating an inspired, intuitive life.

The sad truth about (my) motherhood fashion.

It’s possible that I shouldn’t even admit this publicly.  But in my life it’s gotten down to this sad truth: I do my clothes shopping at Costco.  And although the deals are great- that’s not why I do it. I do it because that and Trader Joe’s are the only stores I ever get to.

I was walking through the store with a friend the other day.  As I was nonchalantly throwing a pair of jeans into the cart my girlfriend asked how I knew what size I was.  “I usually wear a size 8 in Costco brand,” I replied.  And as soon as it was out of my mouth I realized how funny and sad it was at the same time.  And erroneous, as my girlfriend, laughing at me, pointed out, “Costco isn’t a brand of clothes honey. Size usually depends on that!”

And she was right. I’m decidedly not an 8 in Calvin Klein slim straight fit corduroys. Unless you appreciate extreme jean muffins- which I don’t.  Never mind, I just returned them and got the right size on my next visit to the only store I ever go to.

But embarrassing as it is to me that all my fashion comes from there, if it wasn’t for the big C I’d be wearing holey jeans- and not for style. Due to jean age.

One of my sisters teases me all the time about Costco. She says I should be a spokesperson for them because I talk about how great they are so much.

I suppose I doesn’t help matters much when I send her text messages like this- and sign them “Love, Costco.”


P.S. Boots not included of course.

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